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Lifted Up Women's Movement

My business 'THE LIFTED UP WOMEN’S MOVEMENT' was formed around the central theme of my book' LIFTED UP BY ANGELS' - My Story His Glory.

After finding a lifting of my postpartum depression, it became clear that God had a purpose for my pain. It was to Share my Story and to make a difference in the lives of other women traveling similar paths as I had.

I COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE - THAT WAS MY PURPOSE. I had no idea how I could do this, however.... God had plans for me.

A door opened up for me to go back to school. I didn’t even know you could do your years 11 and 12 as a mature-aged student, but I met a lady in a support group. I was attending who was doing it, and she gave me the information. I was enrolled the next day.

My family was gobsmacked.

So Mum and Daughter started school in 1989. I only had to pass 4 subjects to attain my University Entrance, and I did that in 2 years.

In one of my English classes, my teacher commented that I was a gifted storyteller.

No one had ever said anything like that about me before. I then took a few years to decide what to study at university as I had 3 girls to raise with a husband who worked away from home a lot. I did some part-time work and one day, I heard 2 ladies talking in a lift about a new course being offered at Logan Campus of Griffith University, The course was a Bachelor of Human Services - that’s what I wanted to do SERVE HUMANS. I was the first enrolled as I lived in the local area of Logan.

It was 4 years of hard slog, but I found I loved writing the assignments. I found my writing gift at University. I graduated in 2002 and boy did we have a party that night. I remember having the blue cap and gown. I insisted on buying, not hiring, as I had earned that b....... Thing and it hangs in my cupboard, and I bless it often and say to myself, I DID IT.

After graduation, I worked for a while as a Disability Employment Consultant, a job that I loved. However, my health went downhill and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's autoimmune disorder. An under-active thyroid. It took a lot of time for me to overcome that and I was bedridden for 6 months. My husband did not cope with my illness, and our marriage which had been on the verge of ending for a long time just disintegrated.

I was guided to Toastmasters to improve my communication skills and public speaking confidence, This was not a choice I made lightly but God gave me a bit of a shove. I finally got the courage up and actually joined and have spent about 10 years in Toastmasters on a mission to become more confident with Public Speaking. This has helped me immensely as I was hopeless when I was at University, and I had to sit down to do Oral Presentations as I would get jelly legs and dizziness so always got bad marks. I decided it was not my thing and I would never do it again.

Who would have thought I would stand up and give a 17 minute speech at my Book Launch with no notes and feel no nervousness?

Now about that book I mention LIFTED UP BY ANGELS - My story His Glory. The seed was planted on the weekend I had away from my family when I surrendered my life to God in 1988 when my Post Partum Depression was lifted from me. That weekend I felt the presence of angels a LOT. My favourite song at the time was LIFTED UP BY ANGELS by John Farnham. The name of the book never changed.

So when I came to name my business it had to have LIFTED UP in it. I wanted to focus just on Women so Women was added and I read a book about making a MOVEMENT rather than just a business, so that’s how we got the name


I made up a logo. I wanted to have hands lifting up a heart. I searched and searched for the right image. Then I saw a heart with angel wings. Yes, that

was it. I added the cross on later to give it a Christian theme.

So the LIFTED UP WOMEN’S MOVEMENT was formed. It has been a bit of a rocky road since it came into being in 2015 when my book began to formulate.

I had a major stroke and was saved by the grace of God. I decided that he must have things for me to do, so I was going to live each day intentionally. During my rehab, I found my box of speeches and journal pages and realised this was the story of my life. I wrote my WHY I wanted to write a book about my life. I went through them and chose 40 topics for my chapters. Then I got started writing. There was not much of a format, I just wrote and edited chapters.

I got assistance from a Publisher in USA who was very supportive and wanted to help me publish my book. Still, it was decided to use an Australian Publisher and Print in Australia.Covid happened, and there were lots of stops and starts, but it all got done, and we had our Book Launch on 10th October 2020, Mental Health Week. I was promised that the books would arrive, but they did not, so we had a book launch with no books. I had lots of pre-orders. Books arrived on 5th January 2021 and the 4 boxes of books were left in the car port. Luckily it didn’t rain that day. I cried that day holding my book for the first time. It was an amazing experience.

Since then I have become a Lifelong learner, undertaking studies in Life Coaching. I also undertook a Certificate in Women’s Circle Facilitation. I have done other courses such as Inner Child, Podcasting, and How to Set up Your Christian Business Purpose Beyond Profit. I continue to work with a Life Coach who continually stretches and challenges me each week.

I am gearing up to Launch an online course for women 40+ who are searching for clarity into why they have been put on this earth. I now have the skills to help them deal with this pain and with love and compassion guide them through the steps of

●  Self Reflection

●  Embracing Challenges - Purpose for Your Pain

●  Connect with Like-Minded Women

●  Have a Self Care Routine

●  .Where have you come from -

●  What is your purpose

●  Celebrate

We will move through these steps slowly with two sessions each week.


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